Complete Fishing Packages

Complete Fishing Charter Packages

Our complete fishing packages rates compare favourably when you recognize our commitment to quality boats, equipment, our personal service,extensive guiding experience and our knowledge of the rivers.

Cascade Fishing Adventures Docking

Regular Day Rates and In-Season Specials

For our easy-to-book, daily fishing charter packages and their rates, please call our office at 1-604-793-2244 or Toll Free at 1-87-STURGEON, (1-877-887-4366). Alternatively, please click here to go to our “Daily Fishing Rates and Specials” for more information.

1 day of Guided Fishing with 2 nights Accommodation

Enjoying a stunning day out on the boat

  • Includes 8 hours guided angling per day.
  • Hotel accommodations.
  • Breakfast for each morning of your stay.

Please call for prices on 1 to 4 people fishing at:
(1-877-887-4366 NORTH AMERICA ONLY)

2 days of Guided Fishing with 3 nights Accommodation

The thrill of a sturgeon jumping

  • Includes 8 hours guided angling per day.
  • Hotel accommodations.
  • Breakfast for each morning of your stay.

Please call for prices on 1 to 4 people fishing at:
(1-877-887-4366 NORTH AMERICA ONLY)

6 days of Guided Fishing with 7 nights Accommodation

Measuring the sturgeon tip to fork

  • Includes 8 hours guided angling per day.
  • Hotel accommodations.
  • Breakfast for each morning of your stay.

Please call for prices on 1 to 4 people fishing at:
(1-877-887-4366 NORTH AMERICA ONLY)

Based on the arrangements above, we can adjust any package to suit your desired days of fishing and accommodation requirements to fit with your fishing dates and travel needs.

If you would like more information about booking a Fishing Charter, please visit our Contact Form and let us know by clicking here.

Cascade Fishing - 35 Years