- Cascade Fishing Adventures
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At the time I write this report, summer temperatures are soaring in the high 30’s C, and the air is thick with smoke from the forest fires raging in the central interior of BC. Lets hope we get some favorable weather – cooling temperatures and rain would be nice, but I”m sure we would settle for favorable winds to slow the fire’s progress. Our thoughts go out to those that have lost their homes, recreational properties or are current evacuees.
Fraser river water conditions are good for fishing. However, water discharge volumes are down nearly 30% from normal. Water temperatures are within one degree of normal, but will most likely warm up with the current and forecasted hot weather.
Sturgeon fishing has been fair with the odd good day thrown in to keep you going. Average days are putting 2 – 4 sturgeon to the side of the boat. Finding fish is not the problem, but there are limited numbers of feeding fish at the moment and finding those can be challenging at times. Good sized fish are the reward for persistence out there. Sturgeon fishing will improve as we move along in August and into September. A shot of cool weather and a dousing of rain wouldn’t hurt the situation either.
Chinook salmon fishing remains closed at this time with no opening date anticipated. Poor early chinook numbers are the reason it is closed. There has been excellent compliance from all fishermen on the river to respect this closure which shows how important the fishery is to everyone.
Pink salmon are on their way to the Fraser river and we will start seeing them near the middle of August. Some of these pinks will be headed towards the middle Fraser and Thompson river. The local pinks will start holding in the mainstem and local tributaries by the first week of September. Pinks are generally numerous, easy to catch and are nice eating when fresh! Unfortunately pinks are not great after being frozen so use some creativity by brining and smoking, making fish cakes, or canning extra pink salmon.
We have some limited openings for pink salmon and sturgeon trips in September so if you are interested, call soon to book the last dates available.
Looking ahead, we are hoping for some good sturgeon fishing this fall as well as a shot at those enormous fall run, Harrison river-bound chinooks. As well, don’t forget their counterparts, coho and chum, which can offer plenty of good fishing action and provide great table fare.
Have a safe summer season and good luck out there!
Whether you are looking for a day trip fishing or you want to stay longer, we can arrange everything from your pickup at the airport in a limo, to your hotel accommodation and the best guided fishing tours in the Fraser Valley. Please contact Marc or Maggie on Toll Free: 1-877-887-4366 or use our contact form.